
The Pig-Butchering Scam

The relationship-investment fraudsters follow a common modus operandi:

About Us

We are a private investigative Unit, connected to all the major internaltinal secret police units, like the interpool , FBI, CID and all the major anticyber crime unions to track down cyber criminals. We have set up investigative I.T technicians monitoring online activities associated to online scamming. Crime in which the perpetrator develops a scheme using one or more elements of the Internet to deprive a person of property or any interest, estate, or right by a false representation of a matter of fact, whether by providing misleading information or by concealment of information. We are capable to track down cyber criminals and channel criminals to victims according to extradiction law. We understand how victims are vunerable and frustarted but we always hope to intervene on time so that victims can recover their money. If you are a victim of any kind of scam and wants our proper intervantion to recover your money, Do not notify the perpetrators after reading us.Once you notify the fraudter, it becomes difficult or long to track them down. Contact us for quick intervention and we will get back to you immediately if you are a victim

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